Winter weather slows things down but does not stop them
weir stones for a 60" wide waterfall
Found these at the bottom of the basket of rock for the rim. I think they will make a good split weir for the waterfall. The Orange level is 4 feet. |
Matala in Mech. Filter with pillowcases
My Mech. filters are crossflow with 2 grades of Matala, blue then white. I currently have them in polyester bags to try to filter some of the fine silt that has blown in from surrounding bare ground. This has worked ok, not great but ok. More of the stuff is ending up in the settling chamber than here. I have not needed to change these in over a week. I also have a set up for quilt batting that I will run again before spring.
Mech. filter drain
Due to my flat lot, I have to use this for draining/cleaning my filters. All 2" plumbing, the exit is about halfway from the waterline to the bottom of the filter. I plan to use a muck mop type set up for what this does not clean out. |
Prepared hole for pad for third mech. filter
I will put a third mech. filter here just like the other 2. This one is for the Savio skimmer. photo shows just before putting in 5" of concrete. I used the wire from around my stone for reinforcing. Saves having to toss it out and this plus 5" of concrete is plenty of support for 1200 lbs. of water I hope!
I love fresh concrete
There will be room enough around this filter for a coil of 4" perforated pipe, with a volume of about 18 gal. then I will fill with rock and use for a small drain field for this filter since it will be about flush with the ground. Same drain exit on the filter as my other 2 mech. filters. The drain pipe I will hook up with a fernco coupling to a 4" tee so that I get a little better flow of waste to the rock. In the bottom right you can see the 4" pipe comming from the skimmer. |
This tank is great. Thanks Griff!
My settling tank with about 9800 gph flow. It takes water 30 seconds to complete 1 lap of the 88" diameter at this flow rate. It is performing much better than I expected, catching even silt that blew into the pond from surrounding bare ground. The flow rate is based on calculations I did for TDH for the 2 pumps pulling through the 2 bottom drains. I tried to be very conservative on the numbers so the flow might be higher.
Filter overview shot
Here you can see the settling chamber 4" exits gravity feeding the 2 mech. filters. the Black on the side of the ST is the system overflow. You can also see the temporary set up for using the 2" drains on the mech. filters. The ST will have a Ebara pump at the bottom center for waste drainage. Wanted to put a drain on this but Gene Winstead talked me out of it. He did'nt have to talk much....LOL |
Medical bypass running this winter
I am using my future medical bypass to keep water moving this winter so I wont freeze anything.

skimmer filter in place
the drum in place with inlet from skimmer and drain connected to perforated 4" pipe, abot 18 feet worth. |
filled with rock
There is 3/4 of a ton of rock here for the waste to drain into. I hope to get about 75 gallons a drain down once a month or so, more frequently in summer but we will see....I dont know how well the clay will absorb the water. You can also see the third pump vault, done just like the other 2 so that my pumps can be interchanged if one goes down. This will all be covered by deck when finished. I plan accordian like covers for this, hard to explain but the idea is to open them without actually lifting the weight up so that access is easy.